The Edge of Glory

The End of Your Rope: Isaiah 59:1

The End of Your Rope

The week had been long and trying, and in addition to the “new normal” life associated with the Coronavirus, I had several professional burdens come through my door; a broken marriage, a wayward child, the loss of a job, and a disgruntled church member. In addition, personally I was struggling with my physical health; issues severe enough that the church leadership had to intervene and force me, for my own benefit, into a three month sick leave.  By the end of the week, I collapsed in my bed, let out an audible sigh, and before I knew it, said aloud, “I am at the end of my rope!”. 

It was then that God reminded me that it is here, at this very crossroads that something great is about to happen.  Looking back through the Word of God, we find story after story of men and women of faith coming to the end of their ropes only to find that is where God’s rope begins.  Story’s like that of Joseph who found himself in a dark prison, separated from his family and friends, accused of something he did not do, and certainly, “at the end of his rope”, yet God’s rope was about to be lowered down into that very prison.  Joseph recognized the end of his rope was the beginning of God’s; that only when he was willing to rely only on God could God fully take over.  And, take over He did! That lowered rope not only lifted Joseph from that prison but ultimately placed him as the right hand man to the most powerful leader in the known world-the Pharaoh of Egypt! 

How about you? Perhaps you can identify with one of those who came through my doors last week experiencing a job loss, broken marriage, or relational conflict.  Or, you might be that parent that is heartbroken over the direction of a wayward child.  Whatever it is that brought you to the “end of your rope”, might I suggest you stop viewing it as a negative, rather that positionally, you are on the very edge of glory!  Be careful, that next step is crucial.  Will you reach up and grab God’s rope; fully trusting and relying on Him to take you higher than you could on your own? Or, will you like Abraham, “go down to Egypt” continuing to trust in your own resources and the many offerings of the world? 

How did my week end? What did I find at the end of my rope? As I stood on the rooftop the following Sunday to bring a message, The Power of Was: Overcoming our Past!, I spoke from experience when I reminded hundreds of anxious ears, “Our end is where God’s power begins”.  While I may not be second in command of the worlds greatest nation, I am forgiven, redeemed, renamed, remade, and changed.  I am loved.  All because one day, many years ago, I found myself in the prison of sin and when I was at the end of that rope, I grabbed hold of His rope and was rescued. I’ve never been the same since. 

You see? The end of your rope is a very good place to be; God has your attention there.  You my friend are on the edge of glory, what will you do next?

Scripture: “Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save, or his ear dull, that it cannot hear” -Isa. 59:1

Prayer: Father, it can be very scary coming to the point where all of my resources have been exhausted and my problems are still present. Please remind me that you are in contol and that you desire me to seek you first and trust you most.  And, when I get to the end of my rope again, please remind me that is where your presence and power are the most demonstrated.  Thank you for loving me. I love you. In the name of Jesus I pray, amen.